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Senin, 21 Mei 2012

Those Sleepy Little Sleeping Porches

by Matt Myers 
The sleeping porch is thought to be a recent phenomenon, only finding its way into the most modern homes. But the truth of the matter is that sleeping porches have been around for more than a century. However, recent home improvement trends have brought this savvy little addition back to the cutting edge.
Southern Porches
At heart, sleeping porches are just screened-in porches that are used for a different purpose than a typical porch. Because southern plantations homes had large wraparound porches, they were set up to be "screened in" once this product became available. Some of these homes had decks and balconies on the second floor, which also transitioned nicely into screened-in porches to keep the home's occupants from having to fight with all the bugs.
This was before air conditioning, so when it got hot in the summer people needed to have access to any breeze that might blow by. So often these porches, second-story decks, and balconies became sleeping porches.
The Craftsman Adoption
The Craftsman style of architecture (1905-1930), also called "Arts & Crafts" and made popular by Frank Lloyd Wright (you might have heard of him; he's kind of a big deal) is perceived to have been influenced by southern homes. The porches that are signature on these bungalows are often included in the front and back of the home, specifically on corners so as to have access to breezes from all different directions. However, a sleeping porch is often upstairs in many of these homes.
Interested in your own sleeping porch? Use this link to hire a local

What's All the Fuss About?
Imagine those lazy Sunday naps that are almost involuntary. Maybe there is a quiet rainstorm happening outside, maybe a good book lies open across your chest, maybe golf is on the television rocking you to sleep with a cool breeze nipping at your face. I'm getting tired just thinking about it. This kind of restful sleep, even if just a nap, is why people are eager to have this addition on their homes. The sleeping environment these porches provide rivals great vacations. Who wouldn't want one in their house?
If you are interested in something like this for your home, use this link to install a sleeping porch.
What's great about these porches is that, depending on the space you have in there, you find some quality sleeping porch furniture so that this is a place to have mint juleps and coffee with friends and family. The bed doesn't have to be the only reason to be in the room. These are great rooms for entertaining, reading, drinks before dinner, drinks after dinner, lunches, some have even used these porches as offices. Why anyone would prefer that environment to a cubicle is beyond me. Read More...

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